Connie Terwilliger – ISDN Voice Talent

August 31, 2010

One door closes…

Filed under: Business, Marketing, Musings — connieterwilliger @ 2:40 pm

I saw a Facebook post from a friend today that talked about a regular client who had decided to move their voice work in house – so minus one job. But shortly thereafter a new client entered the picture. Subsequent comments to her post illustrates that this is a common occurance for people in our business – with those who are good at what they do.

The same kind of thing happened to me today. I was just starting to record the first of 4 modules for a semi-regular client, when I ran across some small questions about the script (acronym land) and called to clarify. He was in the process of writing to tell me that plans had changed and the end client had suddenly decided not to move forward on the project at this time. So, he told me to bill him for my efforts so far and we’d see what happened down the road.

I had rearranged my schedule so that I would have most of the day to record and edit his project, so I suddenly felt adrift. I took a short break and decided to focus in on some marketing with the newly opened hours. Time to touch base with some less frequent clients and do a bit of Internet searching for potential new clients.

And then, in the next email came a new client and a new job from another semi-regular client. I also got an email with an on-camera that  job I decided to turn down – with no hard feelings about it either way.

There are no guarantees in this business. But if you provide a quality product in a timely manner, are generally personable, and consider each project as unique in order to arrive at the right price point, you should find that when one door closes, another (or two or three) will open.

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